統計諮詢 (Statistical Consulting)
--Second Semester of the 97th School Year(2009/02-2009/07)
- Master students of the Department of Statistics.
Class time:
- Tzong-Ru Tsai
- Office: B1102
- Tel: 02-2621-5656 Ext. 2632
- E-mail: trtsai@stat.tku.edu.tw
- Homepage http://www1.stat.tku.edu.tw/~trtsai
Course Objectives:
- The course is concerned with consulting experience in data analysis and
applied statistics. The student is expected to learn communication
techniques and study cases from various fields of real-world data.
- Prerequisite Course:
- Regression Analysis, Design of Experiment, Multivariate
- SAS or R, Latex.
Reference Books:
- Basic Statistical Methods:
- Box, G. E. P., Hunter, W. G. and
Hunter, J. S. (1978). Statistics for Experimenters, Wiley.
- Draper, N. R. and Smith, H. (1998).
Applied Regression Analysis, 3rd. ed., Wiley.
- Hicks, C. R. (1999). Fundamental
Concepts in the Design of Experiments, 5th ed., Oxford University
- Johnson, R. A. and Wichern, D.
(1998). Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis, 4th. ed.,
- Milliken, G. A. and Johnson, D. E.
(1992). Analysis of Messy Data. Vol. I: Designed Experiments, 2nd
ed., Chapman & Hall.
- Montgomery, D. C. (1997). Design
and Analysis of Experiments, 4th ed., Wiley.
- Neter, J., Kutner, M. H.,
Nachtsheim, C. J., and Wasserman, W. (1996). Applied Linear Statistical
Models, 4th ed., Irwin.
- Sharma, S. (1996). Applied
Multivariate Techniques, Wiley.
- Yandell, B. (1997). Practical
Data Analysis for Designed Experiments, Chapman & Hall.
- Littell, R. C., Stroup, W. W. and
Freund, R. J. (2002). SAS for Linear Models, 4th ed., SAS Institute
- Litell, R., Milliken, G., Stroup,
W., Wolfinger, R., and Schabenberger, O. (2006). SAS for Mixed
Models, 2nd ed., SAS Institute Inc.
- 路繼先 (2004)。統計程式設計,成大圖書部。
- Cabrera, J. and McDougall, A.
(2001). Statistical Consulting, Springer.
- Derr, J. (2000). Statistical
Consulting: A Guide to Effective Communication, Duxbury Press.
- Kenett, R. and Thyregod, P. (2006). Aspects of
statistical consulting not taught by academia, Statistica
Neerlandica, 60, 396-422.
- Lenth,
R. V. (2001). Some practical guidelines for effective sample size
determination, The American Statistician, 55, 187-193.
- Pfannkuch,
M. and Wild, C. J. (2000). Statistical thinking and statistical practice:
themes gleaned from professional statisticians, Statistical Science,
15, 132-152.
- Parker,
R. A. (2000). Estimating the value of an internal biostatistical consulting
service, Statistics in Medicine, 19, 2131-2145.
- Tweedie,
R. (1998). Consulting: real problems, real interactions, real outcomes,
Statistical Science, 13, 1-29.
- Course Outline:
- Real data analysis
- Group discussion--Case study
- Grading:
- Class participation:30%
- Report:70%
- Please turn off the cell phone or switch to vibration during the class.
- Do not eat in class.
- 請勿使用非法影印書籍.