Class time:
Lecturer's Information:
The course is concerned with how to use the modern statistical methods for quality control and improvement including the subjects from basic principles to state-of-the-art concepts and applications. The objective is to give the students a sound understanding of the principles and the basis for applying them in a variety of situations.
Course Prerequisite:
Mathematical Statistics and Probability Theory
Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, 6/e, 2008, Montgomery.
Some papers in the recent years.
The General Theory of Control Chart
p-chart, c-chart and u-chart
X-bar chart, R-chart and S-chart
Cumulative Sum Control Chart and EWMA Control Chart
Process Capability Studies
Paper Study and Presentation
Paper presentation(50%)
Please turn off the cell phone or switch to vibration when you are in class.
Do not eat in class.
Do not use illegal copies of the textbook or reference book in class. (非法影印是違法的行為。請使用正版教科書,勿非法影印他人著作,以免觸法)