淡江大學 九十六學 年度第一學期課程教學計畫表(格式二)



貳、授課老師:林欽明 研究室:驚聲大樓T1118/1119;電話:2621-56562170;傳真:2640-7587E-mail: 113922@mail.tku.edu.tw;教學平台 http://tsp.ec.tku.edu.tw/113922qpOffice hours:








杜震華、盧信昌。2001世界經濟概論--東南亞篇。》台北:華泰文化 552.38 /8476 (TKU)介紹各國經濟狀況,有助於一般性的了解

Sen, Amartya. 1999. Development as Freedom. New York: Knopf. HD 75.S455 1999 (TKU) [沈恩(Amartya Sen);劉楚俊譯 (2001)經濟發展與自由。》北:先覺出版公司。550.1874 /83 (TKU)]

Chia Lin Sien. 2003. Southeast Asia Transformed: A Geography of Change. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.

Hirsch, Philip and Carol Warren, eds. 1998. The Politics of Environment in Southeast Asia: Resources and Resistance. London; New York: Routledge. HC 441.Z9E566 1998 (TKU)(探討區域內因環境議題所引發的政策論爭)

Leinbach, Thomas R. and Richard Ulack. 1999. Southeast Asia: Diversity and Development. Prentice Hall. HT 395.A85S67 2000 (TKU)(從地理、歷史、文化、社會與經濟來探究區域裡各國發展之差異)

MacIntyre, Andrew. 2003. The Power of Institutions: Political Architecture and Governance. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press. JQ 750.A56P645 2003 (TKU)(從東南亞案例來探討國家政治結構之權力分配所形塑的政策型態,特別觸及各國在金融危機上的處置情形)

Borowitz, Michael, Elizabeth Wiley and Fadia Saadeh. 2004. Addressing HIV/AIDS in East Asia and the Pacific. Washington, D.C.: World Bank. RA 643.86.E18A325 2004 (TKU)

Rapley, John. 2002. Understanding Development: Theory and Practice in the Third World. 2nd ed. Boulder; London: Lynne Rienner Publishers. HC 59.7.R272 1996 (TKU)(從第三世界的角度探討戰後至今各國的發展經驗,值得深入閱讀)

Ray, Debraj. 1998. Development Economics. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 特別以東亞國家發展經驗來探討經濟發展之議題,適合有基本經濟學訓練者閱讀)

Rigg, Jonathon. 2003. Southeast Asia: The Human Landscape of Modernisation and Development. 2nd ed. London: Routledge. DS 521.62.R542 2003 (TKU)

Rodan, Garry, Kevin Hewison and Richard Robinson, eds. 2001. The Political Economy of South-East Asia: Markets, Power and Contestation. 3rd ed. Melbourne: Oxford University Press. HC441 .P645 2006 (TKU)(針對東南亞各國家在經濟發展所扮演角色做探討,有助於學生對該區域之進一步了解)

Tan, Gerald. 2000. ASEAN Economic Development and Cooperation. 2nd ed. Singapore: Times Academic Press(對東南亞各國發展問題以及區域合作議題有淺顯的探討,尤其是第二版新增關於金融危機的論述,頗值參考).

Todaro, Michael P. 2000. Economic Development. 7th ed. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. (TKU: HD 82.T552 2000)頗受好評的經濟發展教科書,文字洗鍊而詳實,是一極力推薦的跨領域讀物)

Bolnick, Bruce R. 1996. “Economic Principles: A Refresher.” In Study Guide and Workbook to Accompany Economic of Development by Malcolm Gillis et al., 4th ed. (New York: W.W. Norton), 1-12.

第一部分 簡介

第一 什麼是發展?


Sen, Amartya (1999). Development as Freedom (New York: Knopf), pp. 3-53. HD 75.S455 1999 (TKU)

Easterly, William R. (2001). The Elusive Quest for Growth: Economists' Adventures and Misadventures in the Topics (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press), pp. 26-69. HD 59.72.P6E17 2002 (TKU).

Rapley, John. 2002. Understanding Development: Theory and Practice in the Third World. 2nd ed. (Boulder; London: Lynne Rienner Publishers), Chaps. 5, 6 & 7, pp. 113-82. HC 59.7.R272 1996 (TKU)



第二 東南亞發展模式


Rigg, Jonathon. 2003. Southeast Asia: The Human Landscape of Modernisation and Development. 2nd ed. (London: Routledge), Chaps. 1 & 2. DS 521.62.R542 2003 (TKU).

Taylor, Philip, ed. (2004). Social Inequality in Vietnam and the Challenges to Reform (Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies), pp. 83-110. HN 700.5.A8V534 2003 (TKU)

Welsh, Bridget (2002). "Lessons from Southeast Asia: Growth, Equity and Vulnerability." In Evelyne Huber, Models of Capitalism: Lessons for Latin America (University Park, Pa: The Pennsylvania State University Press), pp. 237-276.


安場 保吉 (1990)。〈東アジア経済の台頭—テイクオフは可能か。〉《大阪大学経済学》,四○卷一.二号,九月号。収録さら安場 保吉,《東南アジアの経済展》(ミネルヴァ書房,2002),181-204552.38 /8369 (TKU)

Chang, Ha-Joon (2006). East Asian Development Experience: The Miracle, the Crisis and the Future. London: Zed Books. HC 460.5.C43 2006 (TKU)

Chang, Ha-Joon (2002). Kicking Away the Ladder: Development Strategy in Historical Perspective. London : Anthem. HF 1359.C439 2002 (TKU)

Jomo K.S. with Chen Yun Chung et al. (1997). Southeast Asia's Misunderstood Miracle: Industrial Policy and Economic Development in Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. Boulder, Colo. : Westview Press.

Rodan, Hewison and Robison (2006), Chap. 1 and two of the following six chaps, 2-7.

Stiglitz, Joseph E. (2001). "From Miracle to Crisis to Recovery: Lessons from Four Decades of East Asian Experience." In Joseph E. Stiglitz and Shahid Yusuf, eds., Rethinking the East Asia Miracle (Oxford University Press), 509-25. HC 460.5 .R48 2001 (TKU)

World Bank (1993). "The East Asian Miracle." In World Bank, The East Asian Miracle: Economic Growth and Public Policy: Summary (Washington, D.C.: The World Bank), 1-12. Reprinted in G.M. Meier and J.E. Rauch, Leading Issues in Economic Development. 7th ed. (Oxford: Oxford University Press), 36-41.

Jomo K.S., ed. (1998). Tigers in Trouble: Financial Governance, Liberalisation and Crises in East Asia. London: Zed Books. HG 5770.5.A3T54 1998 (TKU)

Rowen, Henry S., ed. (1998). Behind East Asian growth: The Political and Social Foundations of Prosperity. London and New York: Routledge. HC 460.5.B34 1998 (TKU)

Syed Farid Alatas (1993). "Theoretical Perspectives on the Role of State Elites in Southeast Asian Development." Contemporary Southeast Asia, 14(4), March, 368-95.


第三 當前東南亞發展所遭遇的挑戰:歧異與治理


Rigg, Jonathon. 2003. Southeast Asia: The Human Landscape of Modernisation and Development. 2nd ed. (London: Routledge), Chap. 3. DS 521.62.R542 2003 (TKU)

Cartier, C. and J. Rothenberg-Aalami (1998). "Gender and Development." In Leinbach and Ulack, eds., Southeast Asia: Diversity and Development (New York: Prentice Hall), 274-302. HT 395.A85S67 2000 (TKU)

Jomo K.S. 2001. "Rethinking the Role of Government Policy in Southeast Asia." In Joseph E. Stiglitz and Shahid Yusuf, eds., Rethinking the East Asia Miracle (New York: Oxford University Press), 461-508. HC 460.5 .R48 2001 (TKU)

Taylor, Philip, ed. (2004). Social Inequality in Vietnam and the Challenges to Reform (Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies), 1-35. HN 700.5.A8V534 2003 (TKU)

MacIntyre, Andrew. 2003. The Power of Institutions: Political Architecture and Governance (Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press), 1-36, 105-59. JQ 750.A56P645 2003 (TKU)

Khan, Mushtaq H. and Jomo K.S., eds. (2000). Rents, Rent-Seeking and Economic Development: Theory and Evidence in Asia (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), 21-69. HB 401.R46 2000 (TKU)

Economist (2001). "Globalisation and its Critics: A Survey of Globalisation." September 29.


渡辺利夫 編 (2003)。《アジア経済読本》(東京都:東洋経済新報社),第4-8, 11-12章。552.3 /8697-3 (TKU)

ジョン.ウォング (2005)。〈内から見たASEAN経済展〉。収録さら安場 保吉編著,《東南アジア社会経済展論—30進歩今後展望》(東京都:勁草書房),123-42552.38 /8369-1 (TKU)

Seguino, Stephanie (2002). "Gender, Quality of Life, and Growth in Asia, 1970-90." The Pacific Review, 15(2), 245-78.

Hugo, G. (1999). "Demographic and Social Patterns." Chap. 4 in T. Leinbach and R. Ulack, eds., Southeast Asia: Diversity and Development (New York: Prentice Hall), 74-109. HT 395.A85S67 2000 (TKU)

Buvinic, Mayra (1997). “Women in Poverty: A New Global Underclass.” Foreign Policy, Fall, 38-53.

Thanh-Dam Truong (2000). "A Feminist Perspective on the Asian Miracle and Crisis: Enlarging the Conceptual Map of Human Development." Journal of Human Development, 1(1), 159-64.

Chang, Ha-Joon (2003). Globalisation Economic Development and the Role of the State. Penang, Malaysia: Third World Network; London; New York: Zed Books.

個案探討:依據Khan and Jomo,舉出兩個東南亞國家以比較其尋租(rent-seeking)的型態。


第二部分  各層面的挑戰議題

第四 消除貧窮:衡量與政策


Sen, Amartya (1999). Development as Freedom (New York: Knopf), Chap. 4, pp. 87-110. HD 75.S455 1999 (TKU).

Rigg, Jonathon (2003). Southeast Asia: The Human Landscape of Modernisation and Development. 2nd ed. (London: Routledge), Chap. 4. DS 521.62.R542 2003 (TKU).

Clarke, Gerard and Marites Sison (2003). "Voices from the Top of the Pile: Elite Perceptions of Poverty and the Poor in the Philippines." Development and Change, 34(2), April, 215-42.

“New Technologies, Competitiveness, and Poverty Reduction.” In Christopher M. Edmonds, ed. (2003). Reducing Poverty in Asia: Emerging Issues in Growth, Targeting, and Measurement (Cheltenham, U.K. and Northampton, Mass.: Elgar; Manila: Asian Development Bank), HC 415.P6R434 2001 (TKU)

McGee, T.G., et al. (2001). The Poor at Risk: Surviving the Economic Crisis in Southeast Asia (Vancouver: Centre for Southeast Asian Research, Institute of Asian Research, University of British Columbia) (http://www.iar.ubc.ca/centres/csear/SSN/TOC.htm), Chap. 1, pp. 1-34, Chap. 7, pp. 235-45.

Warr, Peter (2001). "Poverty Reduction and Sectoral Growth: Evidence from Southeast Asia." World Development Research Institute Working Paper  (http://www.wider.unu.edu/conference/conference-2001-1/warr.pdf).


テーキアンウィー (2005)。〈スハルト新体制下のインネシア経済〉。収録さら安場 保吉編著,《東南アジア社会経済展論—30進歩今後展望》(東京都:勁草書房),79-95552.38 /8369-1 (TKU)

World Bank (2001). World Development Report 2000/1: Attacking Poverty (Washington, D.C.: World Bank) (http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/TOPICS/EXTPOVERTY/0,,contentMDK:20194762~pagePK:148956~piPK:216618~theSitePK:336992,00.html), Chaps. 1-3, p. 15-93; Voices of the Poor Studies on Vietnam, Thailand.

Baulch, Bob and John Hoddinott (2000). "Economic Mobility and Poverty in Developing Countries." Journal of Developing Studies, 36(6), 1-24.


第五 農村發展


Rigg, Jonathon (2003). Southeast Asia: The Human Landscape of Modernisation and Development. 2nd ed. (London: Routledge), Chap. 5 & 7. DS 521.62.R542 2003 (TKU).

Chia Lin Sien (2003). Southeast Asia Transformed: A Geography of Change (Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies), Chaps. 5 & 6.

Minns, John (2001), "Agriculture,” Chap. 17 in Patrick Heenan and Monique Lamontagne, eds., The Southeast Asia Handbook (London; Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers), 193-206. HC441 .S68 2001 (TKU)

Akiyama, Takamasa and Donald F. Larson, eds. (2004). Rural Development and Agricultural Growth in Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand (Canberra: Asia Pacific Press), Chaps. 2 & 3. HD 2075.8.R873 2004 (TKU)

Hafner, James (1999). "Perspectives on Agricultural and Rural Development." In Thomas Leinbach and Richard Ulack (eds.), Southeast Asia: Diversity and Development (Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall), 133-159. HT 395.A85S67 2000 (TKU)

Taylor, Philip, ed. (2004). Social Inequality in Vietnam and the Challenges to Reform (Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies), pp. 236-87. HN 700.5.A8V534 2003 (TKU)

Vandergeest, Peter (2003). "Land to Some Tillers: Development –Induced Displacement in Laos." International Social Science Journal, 55(1), 47-56.

Arsenio M. Balisacan, Nobuhiko Fuwa and Margarita H. Debuque (2004). "The Political Economy of Philippine Rural Development since the 1960s." In Akiyama, Takamasa and Donald F. Larson, eds., Rural Development and Agricultural Growth in Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand (Canberra: Asia Pacific Press), 214-89. HD 2075.8.R873 2004 (TKU)


福井 (2005)農業展〉収録さら安場 保吉編著,《東南アジア社会経済展論—30進歩今後展望》(東京都:勁草書房),23-52552.38 /8369-1 (TKU)

坪内 良博 (2005)。〈人口生活変化〉。収録さら安場 保吉編著,《東南アジア社会経済展論—30進歩今後展望》(東京都:勁草書房),53-78552.38 /8369-1 (TKU)

Akiyama, Takamasa and Donald F. Larson, eds. (2004). Rural Development and Agricultural Growth in Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand (Canberra: Asia Pacific Press), Remainder. HD 2075.8.R873 2004 (TKU)

Buch-Hansen, Mogens (2001). "Is Sustainable Agriculture in Thailand Feasible?" In Per Ronnas, ed., Institutions, Livelihoods and the Environment: Change and Response in Mainland Southeast Asia (Copenhagen: NIAS Publishing), 243-72. GE 160.A785I65 2001 (TKU)

Hayami, Yujiro and Masao Kickkuchi (2000). A Rice Village Saga: Three Decades if Green Revolution in the Philippines (Basingstoke: Macmillan).

David, Cristina C. (2003). "Philippine Agriculture: A Victim of Weak Governance." http://www3.pids.gov.ph/silver/documents/CCD%20paper.pdf.


第六 人口政策與教育


Rigg, Jonathon (2003). Southeast Asia: The Human Landscape of Modernisation and Development. 2nd ed. (London: Routledge), Chap. 6. DS 521.62.R542 2003 (TKU)

Chia Lin Sien (2003). Southeast Asia Transformed: A Geography of Change (Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies), Chap. 3.

Gill, Melinda and Kevin Joseph (1996). "Population Control in Singapore: A Case of Health Strategy and Implementation." Asian Studies Review, 20(1), July, pp. 119-35.

Behrman, Jere and James C. Knowles (1998). "Population and Reproductive Health: An Economic Review for Policy Evaluation." Population and Development Review, 24(4), pp. 697-738.

Hull, Terrence H., ed. (2005). People, Population and Policy in Indonesia. (Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies), pp. 1-71. HB 3647.P46 2005 (TKU)

Bryant, John (1998). "Communism, Poverty and Demographic Change in Vietnam." Population and Development Review, 24(2), June, pp. 235-69.

Asian Development Bank (2000). Lao People’s Democratic Republic: Education Sector Development Plan (Manila: Asian Development Bank) (http://www.adb.org/Documents/Books/Lao_Education_Sector_Dev/default.asp).


Fallon, Peter and Zafiris Tzannatos (1998). “Child Labor: Issues and Directions for the World Bank.” Washington, D.C.: World Bank (http://info.worldbank.org/etools/docs/library/74184/winter2002/proceedings/pdfpapers/mod10pf.pdf).

Niehof, Anke and Firman Lubis, eds. (2003). Two is Enough: Family Planning in Indonesia Under the New Order, 1968-1998. Netherlands: Koninklyk Institute Voor Taal Land.

Newland, Lynda (2001). "The Deployment of the Prosperous Family: Family Planning in West Java." NWSA Journal, 13(3), pp. 22-49.

Feuerstein, Marie-Therese (1993). "Family Planning in Vietnam." Lancet, July 24, pp. 188-189.

Hoa, H.T. and N.V. Toan (1996). "Child Spacing and the Two Child Policy in Practice in Rural Vietnam: Cross Sectional Survey." British Medical Journal, November 2, pp. 1113-17.

Ramesh, M. with Mukul G. Asher, eds. (2000). Welfare Capitalism in Southeast Asia: Social Security, Health, and Education Policies. New York: St. Martin's Press. HN 690.8.A8R35 2000 (TKU)


第七 發展所遭遇的環境問題(學期報告題目提交截止)


Hirsch, Philip and Carol Warren, eds. (1998). The Politics of Environment in Southeast Asia: Resources and Resistance (London; New York : Routledge), Chaps. 1, 6, 11, 13. HC 441.Z9E566 1998 (TKU)

Chia Lin Sien (2003). Southeast Asia Transformed: A Geography of Change (Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies), Chap. 4.

Suthawan Sathirathai and Edward B. Barbier (2001). "Valuing Mangrove Conservation in Southern Thailand." Contemporary Economic Policy, 19, April, 109-22.

Casson, Anne and Krystof Obidzinski (2002). "From New Order to Regional Autonomy: Shifting Dynamics of 'Illegal' Logging in Kalimantan, Indonesia." World Development, 30(12), December, 2133-51.

Le Billon, Philippe (2002). "Logging in Muddy Waters: The Politics of Forest Exploitation in Cambodia." Critical Asian Studies, 34(4), 563-86.

Samath, Sith, Pia Wallgren and Joakim Ojendal (2001). "Addressing Anarchy: Decentralization and Natural Resource Management in Ratanakire Province, Upland Cambodia." In Almud Weitz and Per Ronnas, eds., Institutions, Livelihoods and the Environment: Change and Response in Mainland Southeast Asia (Copenhagen: Nordic Institute of Asian Studies), 347-85. GE 160.A785I65 2001 (TKU)

Global Witness (2005). "A Choice for China: Ending the Destruction of Burma's Northern Frontier Forests." London: Global Witness Ltd. (http://www.globalwitness.org/media_library_detail.php/492/en/a_choice_for_china_ending_the_destruction_of_burma).


Hirsch, Philip and Carol Warren, eds. (1998). The Politics of Environment in Southeast Asia: Resources and Resistance (London; New York : Routledge), the remaining chaps. HC 441.Z9E566 1998 (TKU)

Ross, Michael L. (2001). Timber Booms and Institutional Breakdown in Southeast Asia. Cambridge; New York and Melbourne: Cambridge University Press.

World Resource Institute (2002). "The State of the Forest: Indonesia." Washington, D.C.: World Resource Institute (http://www.globalforestwatch.org/common/indonesia/sof.indonesia.english.low.pdf), pp. 1-67.

Fahn, James David (2003). A Land on Fire: The Environmental Consequences of the Southeast Asian Boom. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press. HC 441.Z9E538 2003 (TKU)

Badenoch, Nathan (2002). "Transboundary Environmental Governance: Principles and Practice in Mainland Southeast Asia." Washington, D.C.: World Resources Institute (http://dlc.dlib.indiana.edu/archive/00000955/00/transboundary.pdf), pp. 1-33.

Institutions, Livelihoods and the Environment: Change and Response in Mainland Southeast Asia (Copenhagen: Nordic Institute of Asian Studies), remaining chaps.. GE 160.A785I65 2001 (TKU)

“The State of Forests and Forestry in Southeast Asia,” pp. 95-107 Appendix.

Global Witness (2003). "A Conflict of Interests: The Uncertain Future of Burma's Forests." London: Global Witness Ltd. (http://www.globalwitness.org/media_library_detail.php/113/en/a_conflict_of_interest_english).

Slocomb, Margaret (2002). "Forestry Policy and Practices of the People's Republic of Kampuchea, 1979-1989." Asian Survey, 42(5), September/October, 772-792.

Sag, Colin (1996). "The Search for Sustainable Livelihoods in Indonesian Transmigration Settlements." In Michael J.G. Parnwell and Raymond L. Bryant, eds., Environmental Change in South-East Asia: People, Politics and Sustainable Development (London; New York: Routledge), 97-122.


第八 公共衛生與HIV/AIDS


Borowitz, Michael, Elizabeth Wiley and Fadia Saadeh. 2004. Addressing HIV/AIDS in East Asia and the Pacific (Washington, D.C.: World Bank), 11-35. RA 643.86.E18A325 2004 (TKU)

Mahathir, Marina (2004). "HIV/AIDS in Malaysia." In Bridget Welsh, ed., Reflections: The Mahathir Years (Washington, D.C.: Southeast Asia Studies, Johns Hopkins University-SAIS), 461-72.

Parker, Richard (2000). "Administering the Epidemic: HIV/AIDS Policy, Models of Development, and International Health." In Whiteford, Linda M. and Lenore Manderson, eds., Global Health Policy, Local Realities: The Fallacy of the Level Playing Field (Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers), 39-55.

Ainsworth, Martha, Chris Beyrer and Agnes Soucat (2003). "AIDS and Public Policy: The Lessons and Challenges of 'Success' in Thailand." Health Policy, 64: 13-37.

International Crisis Group (2004). "Myanmar: Update on HIV/AIDS Policy." Asia Briefing No. 34, December 16 (http://www.crisisgroup.org/home/index.cfm?id=3174&CFID=18091603&CFTOKEN=63942617).


Law, Lisa (2002). Sex Work in Southeast Asia: The Place of Desire in a Time of HIV/AIDS. New York: Routledge.

UNIFEM (2003). Women, Gender and HIV/AIDS in East and Southeast Asia. Bangkok: UNIFEM (http://www.unifem-eseasia.org/resources/others/genaids/UNIFEMgenderaidskit.pdf).


第九 都市化:從建屋到下水道


Chia Lin Sien (2003). Southeast Asia Transformed: A Geography of Change (Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies), Chap. 6.

Atkinson, Adrian (2000). "Promoting Sustainable Human Development in Cities in the South: A Southeast Asian Perspective." Geneva 2000 Occasional Paper No. 6, UN Research Institute for Social Development (http://www.unrisd.org/80256B3C005BCCF9/httpNetITFramePDF?ReadForm&parentunid=D2FA10DAB2AAC81280256B67005B744A&parentdoctype=paper&netitpath=80256B3C005BCCF9/(httpAuxPages).

Webster, Douglas J. (2001). "On the Edge: Shaping the Future of Peri-Urban East Asia." Asia Pacific Research Center, Stanford University, Discussion Paper for the World Bank, pp. 1-28, 39-69 (http://iis-db.stanford.edu/pubs/20031/Webster2002.pdf), pp. 1-28, 39-69.

Parnwell, Mike and Sarah Turner (1998). "Sustaining the Unsustainable?" Third World Planning Review, 20(2): 147-63.

Inocencio, Arlene B. and Cristina C. David (2001). "Public-Private-Community Partnerships in Management and Delivery of Water to Urban Poor: The Case of Metro Manila." Philippine Institute for Development Studies, Discussion Paper Series No. 2001-18 (http://dirp4.pids.gov.ph/ris/dps/pidsdps0118.pdf).

Hale, Sarah (2006). "Water Privatization in the Philippines: The Need to Implement the Human Right to Water." Pacific Rim Law and Policy Journal, 15(3), September, 765-795.


Hackenberg, Robert A. 1980. "New Patterns of Urbanization in Southeast Asia: An Assessment." Population and Development Review, 6(3), September: 391-419. 

Naing Oo (1989). "Urbanization and Development in Burma." Sojourn, 4(2), August: 233-260.

Goh, Beng-Lan (2002). Modern Dreams: An Inquiry into Power, Cultural Production, and the Cityscape in Contemporary Urban Penang, Malaysia. Ithaca, NY: Cornell Univ. Southeast Asia Program.



第三部分 個體總體角色與政策

第十 國際金融機構、救助者與國際NGOs


Stiglitz, Joseph (2002). "The East Asian Crisis: How the IMF Policies Brought the World to a Verge of Global Meltdown." In Globalization and its Discontents (New York: W.W. Norton & Company), pp. 89-132. HF 1418.5.S75 2003 (TKU)[史迪格里茲 (Stiglitz, Joseph E.); 李明譯 (2002)。《全球化的許諾與失落。》臺北市:大塊文化出版公司。552.1 /8884 (TKU)]

Soederberg, Susanne (2004). "American Empire and 'Excluded States': the Millennium Challenge Account and the Shift to Pre-Emptive Development." Third World Quarterly, 25(2), March, 279-302.

Easterly, William (2002). "The Cartel of Good Intentions." Foreign Policy, July/August, 40-49.

Lancaster, Carol (2002). "Redesigning Foreign Aid." Foreign Affairs, Sept/Oct, pp. 74.

Radelet, Steven (2004). "Bush and Foreign Aid." Foreign Affairs, Sept/Oct, 82(5): pp. 104-111.

USAID (2002). Foreign Aid in the National Interest: Promoting Freedom, Security, and Opportunity. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Agency for International Development (http://www.usaid.gov/fani/Full Report-- Foreign Aid in the National Interest.pdf), pp. 33-53.


Pincus, Jonathan R. and Jeffrey A. Winters, eds. (2002). Reinventing the World Bank. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.

Einhorn, Jessica (2001). "The World Bank's Mission Creep." Foreign Affairs, September/October.

第十一 參與性發展、地方NGOs和良好治理


Carothers, Thomas (1999). "The Rise of Democracy Assistance." Chapter 2 in Aiding Democracy Abroad: The Learning Curve (Washington, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace).

UNDP (2003). Human Development Report 2003 (http://www.undp.org/hdr2003/pdf/hdr03_complete.pdf), Chap. 2, pp. 51-61.

Quigley, Kevin (2000). "Democracy Assistance in Southeast Asia: Long History/Unfinished Business." In Peter Burnell, ed., Democracy Assistance: International Co-operation for Democratization (London: Frank Cass).

Quigley, Kevin (1996). "Towards Consolidating Democracy: The Paradoxical Role of Democracy Groups in Thailand." Democratization, Autumn, 264-86.

Dupar, Mairi and Nathan Badenoch (2002). "Environment, Livelihoods and Local Institutions: Decentralization in Mainland Southeast Asia." World Resources Institute (http://pdf.wri.org/decentralization_msea.pdf), Chapters 3-4.

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第十二 未來趨勢與挑戰


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