淡江大學 九十四學 年度第一學期課程教學計畫表(格式二)
貳、授課老師:林欽明 (研究室:驚聲大樓T1111;電話:2621-5656轉2796;傳真:2640-7587;E-mail: 113922@mail.tku.edu.tw;網頁 http://mail.tku.edu.tw/113922;教學平台 http://dctsp.ec.tku.edu.tw/113922qp;Office hours: )
本課程主要在探討經濟成長與分配平均的問題,這也是東南亞各國所極度關切的問題。這是一個基礎 的課程,著重基本概念的傳輸。我們希望從各個不同層面來了解經濟成長的意涵與缺失,以及因此所引發資源分配的各項癥結。藉由國內外相關文獻的探討,讓學生 對相關工具及議題,能有一個深入淺出的了解。課程探討的重點為:
杜震華、盧信昌。2001。 《世界經濟概論--東南亞篇。》台北:華泰文化 (TKU: 552.38
陸民仁。1997。 《台灣經濟發展與競爭。》台北:健行文化出版(針對台灣各項發展問題,以深入簡出的方式,提出陸教授個人精闢的看法,頗具啟發性)。
呂漢光。1997。 《收入分配與經濟發展。》香港:商務印書館(針對香港所得分配的議題所做之學術研究,為一專業著作)。
Meier, Gerald M. and James E. Rauch.
2000. Leading Issues in Economic Development. 7th ed.
Tan, Gerald. 2000. ASEAN Economic Development and
Cooperation. 2nd ed.
Todaro, Michael P. 2000. Economic Development. 7th
(打*者為 必讀)
第一週 經濟成長的迷思
陸民仁 (1997),第一篇。
Koh Yong
1999. "Singapore's
Bank Chief Identifies Key Asian Economic Weakness." Special Report,
Stratfor.com, July 8 (http://mail.tku.edu.tw/113922/DL/Koh1999.htm).
Mahbubani, Kishore.
1997. "Can Asians
Think?" National Interest, Summer.
Edited and updated version of a lecture the author delivered at the 7th
International Conference on Thinking in
Mallet, Victor. 1999. The Trouble
With Tigers: The Rise and Fall of
Michael. 1996. "Growth in East
Asia: What We Can and What We Cannot Infer." IMF Economic Issues No. 1
第二週 發展理論的缺失
譚崇台 (2004),第一章,第一節。
Frank, Andre Gunder.
1996. "The
Underdevelopment of Development." Draft of chapter 2 of the 18 chapter
festschrift The Underdevelopment of Development: Essays in Honour of Andre Gunder Frank,
edited by Sing Chew and Robert Denemark (
Yoshihara (1988). "Industrialization without
Development." Chapter 5 in The Rise of Ersatz Capitalism in
*Meier, Gerald M. and James E.
Rauch. 2000. "The
Discipline of Development Economics." I.C. in Leading
Issues in Economic Development. 7th ed., 69-76 (
第三週 經濟成長的要素
陸民仁。1997。 〈經濟發展的理論與實踐。〉《台灣經濟發展與競爭》,第三篇,25-33 (。
Joseph A. (2000). "
Steven, Jeffrey Sachs and Jong-Wha Lee. 1997. "Economic Growth in Asia."
Paper prepared as a background paper for the Asian Development Bank's study Emerging
Asia: Changes and Challenges, July (
*Reynolds, Lloyd G. 1983. "The Spread of Economic Growth
to the Third World: 1850-1980." Journal of Economic Literature,
21, September, 941-75. Reprinted in Leading Issues in
Economic Development. 7th ed., 80-95 (
Toh Mun Heng and Tiew
Chee Siang. 1999. "A Neoclassical Analysis of
the ASEAN and East Asian Growth Experience." ASEAN Economic
Bulletin, 16(2), August, 149-65 (http://mail.tku.edu.tw/113922/DL/Toh1999.pdf).
第四週 貿易與經濟成長/所得分配
Cline, William R. 1999. "Trade and Income Distribution:
The Debate and New Evidence." International Economics Policy Brief No.
99-7, Institute for International Economics, September (http://mail.tku.edu.tw/113922/DL/Cline1999.pdf).
World Bank. 1987. "Trade Policy Reform."
In World Development Report, 1987, 95, 109-12. Reprinted in Leading Issues in Economic Development.
7th ed., 191-94 (
*World Bank. 2000. "Does More International
Trade Openness Worsen Inequality?" World Bank issue paper for an
electronic conference on "Globalization" (http://mail.tku.edu.tw/113922/DL/WB2000.htm).
第五週 所得分配的衡量
Chang, Jih Y. and Rati Ram. 2000. "Level of Development,
Rate of Economic Growth, and Income Inequality." Economic
Development & Cultural Change, 48(4), July, 787-799.
James K. (1998). "Measuring the
Evolution of Inequality in the Global Economy." Working Paper
No. 4, Center for Economic Policy Analysis, New School for Social Research,
Simon (1955). "Economic Growth and Income
Inequality." American Economic Review,
45, March, 1-8. Reprinted in Leading Issues in
Economic Development. 7th ed., 382-86 (
*Meier, Gerald M. and
James E. Rauch (2000). "Measurement of Income
Inequality." In Leading Issues in Economic
Development. 7th ed., 379-81 (
第六週 消除貧窮與所得不均
Ari A. Perdana and John Maxwell
(2005). "Poverty Trageting
Balisacan, Arsenio and Rosemarie Edillon (2005). "Poverty Targeting in the
*Fields, Gary S. 1991. "Growth and
Income Distribution." In George Psacharopoulos,
ed., Essays on Poverty, Equity, and Growth (
James E. (1993). "Economic Development, Urban
Underemployment, and Income Inequality." Canadian
Journal of Economics, 26, November, 901-4, 912-15. Reprinted in Leading Issues in Economic Development. 7th ed., 395-400 (
C., Francisco (2000). "Inequality,
Economic Growth and Economic Performance." A Background Note for the
World Development Report 2000 (http://mail.tku.edu.tw/113922/DL/rodriguez.pdf)
Jerry Mark (2000). "Governance
& Poverty: An Alternative Paradigm." Paper prepared for the Asia
Development Forum Conference "
Warr, Peter and Isra Sarntisart (2005). "Poverty Targeting in
第七週 儲蓄、投資及成長
陸民仁。1997。 〈我國儲蓄率何以會降低?〉《台灣經濟發展與競爭》,第十五篇,25-33 (。
*Anoruo, Emmanuel. 2001. "Saving-Investment Connection:
Evidence from the ASEAN Countries." American Economist, 45(1), Spring,
46-53 (
Harrigan, Frank. 1998. "Asian Saving: Theory,
Evidence, and Policy."
Chapter 7 in
F. Gerard Adams and Shinichi Ichimura, eds., East
Asian Development (
第八週 外人投資與所得分配
鄭赤琰。1993。 〈海外華人與東南亞經濟發展之關係。〉《華商經貿月刊》,323,7月,2-16。
Bende-Nabende, Anthony. 1999. “FDI and Economic Growth
in Host Developing Countries.” In FDI, Regionalism, Government Policy
and Endogenous Growth: A Comparative Study of the ASEAN-5 Economies, with Develoopment Policy Implications for the Least Developed
Countries (
Fan, Xiaoqin; Dickie,
Paul M. 2000. "The Contribution of Foreign
Direct Investment to Growth and Stability." ASEAN Economic
Bulletin, 17(3), December, 312-23 (http://mail.tku.edu.tw/113922/DL/Fan2000.pdf).
Ann (1994). "The Benefits of FDI."
*Meier,, Gerald M. and James E. Rauch (2000). "Learning in International
Production Networks." In Leading Issues in
Economic Development. 7th ed., 104-5 (
第九週 政府的角色
李碧涵 (2000). 〈市場、國家與制度安排:福利國家社會管制方式變遷。〉「全球化下的社會學想像:國家、經濟與社會」學術研討會,1月15日 至16日
Feng, Yi (2000).
"Political Foundations of Economic Management: An Interpretation of
Economic Development and Economic Crisis in
Hal. 1997. "Towards a
Political Economy Explanation of Rapid Growth in ASEAN: A Survey and Analysis."
ASEAN Economic Bulletin, 14(2), November, 131-49 (
*Krueger, Anne O. 1974. "The
Political Economy of Rent-Seeking Society." American
Economic Review, 44(3), June, 281-303. Reprinted in Leading
Issues in Economic Development. 7th ed., 437-41 (
T.N. 1985. "Neoclassical Political
Economy, the State, and Economic Development." Asian
development Review, 3(2), 40-45. Reprinted in Leading
Issues in Economic Development. 7th ed.,
442-45 (
Nicholas. 1991. "Public
Policy and the Economics of Development." European
Economic Review, 35, 241-71. Reprinted in Leading
Issues in Economic Development. 7th ed., 426-33 (
第十週 社會成本與社會安全網
陸民仁。1997。 〈社會效益、社會成本與環境保護。〉《台灣經濟發展與競爭》,第十五篇,25-33 (。
*Bardhan, Branab. 1989. "The New Institutional
Economics and Development Theory." World Development, 17(9),
1390-94. Reprinted in Leading issues in Economic Development, 7th
ed., 359-60 (
Michael. 1977. "Urban
Bias." In Why Poor People Stays Poor (Gower
Publishing). Reprinted in Leading Issues in
Economic Development. 7th ed., 370-74 (
Joseph E. 1986. "The New Development
Economics." World Development, 14(2),
258-61. Reprinted in Leading Issues in Economic
Development. 7th ed., 352-55 (
第十一週 金融的角色
*McKinnon, Ronald L.
1986. "Financial Liberalization in Retrospect:
Interest Rate policies in LDCs." Center for Economic Policy Research
Publication No. 74,
Hugh T. (1966). "Financial Development and
Economic Growth in Underdeveloped Countries." Economic
Development and Cultural Change, 14(2), January, 174-77. Reprinted
in Leading Issues in Economic Development. 7th
ed., 138-40 (
U Tun. 1956 (57). "Interest Rates in the Organized
Money Markets of Underdeveloped Countries, and Interest Rates Outside the
Organized Money Markets of Underdeveloped Countries." IMF Staff Papers, 5(2), August, 249-50, 252-53, 255, 258,
276-78 and 6(1), November, 80-83, 107-9, 119-25. Reprinted
in Leading Issues in Economic Development. 7th
ed., 129-32 (
第十二週 人力資本與經濟成長
邱哲修 李命志 邱 建良。1997。〈人力資源與臺灣之經濟成長。〉《臺灣經濟金融月刊》,33(12),期395,12月,29-37。
*張溫波。1995。 〈工資、生產力與經濟成長。〉《自由中國之工業》,84(5),11月,9-18 (http://mail.tku.edu.tw/113922/DL/Chang1995.pdf)。
Jess and Mark M. Spiegel. 1994. "The Role of Human Capital in
Economic Development: Evidence from Aggregate Cross-Country Data.” Journal
of Monetary Economics, 34, October, 143-51. Reprinted in Leading
Issues in Economic Development. 7th ed., 218-22 (
Bank (1993). "Creating Human Capital."
In The East Asian Miracle: Economic Growth and Public Policy (
第十三週 國際的差異
宋鎮照。1993。 〈東亞與拉丁美洲新興工業化國家發展模式之比較研究。〉《臺灣經濟》,199,7月,43-58。
宋鎮照。1999。 〈比較泰國與馬來西亞的政經發展模式。〉《東南亞季刊》,3(4),5,1-35。
Hal. 2000. "Intra-Country
Regional Disparities." Paper prepared for the Asia Development Forum
Conference "
第十四週 國際組織的角色
Ute and Lance Taylor. 1998. "The Revival of
the Liberal Creed: The IMF, the World Bank, and Inequality in a Globalized
Economy." Working Paper No. 4, Center for Economic Policy Analysis,
New School for Social Research, October 1996 (Revised January 1998) (http://www.newschool.edu/cepa/papers/archive/cepa0104.pdf).
Williams, Sue, Gillian Lovegrove
and Christine Whitehouse. 1996. "Working Towards
Equality in the Year 2000." Papers from GASAT 8,
第十五週 技術進步的貢獻
Eggleston, K. 1997. "The
Sustainability of East Asian Growth." ASEAN Economic
Bulletin, 14(1), July, 14-31 (http://mail.tku.edu.tw/113922/DL/Eggleton1997.pdf).
*Montes, Manuel F. 1997. "Direct
Foreign Investment and Technology Transfer in ASEAN." ASEAN Economic Bulletin, 14(2), November, 176-89
第十六週 種族、發展與民主
顧長永。林柏生。1996。〈從「新經濟政策」論馬來西亞的種族關係 (From "New Economic Policy" to Examine
Ethnic Relations in Malaysia)。〉《東南亞季刊》,1(1),1月,25-40。
Gerard. 2001. "From
Ethnocide to Ethnodevelopment? Ethnic Minorities and
Indigenous Peoples in Southeast Asia." Third World Quarterly, 22(3), 413-436 (
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